Sart Pornmuneesoontorn

Khon (Sart Pornmuneesoontorn) is an artist from the rap-metal band "Bomb at Track" and a music composer under No Sound in Space. He has been interested in music since he was young and has graduated from The College of Music at Mahidol University, majoring in electric bass. The band "Bomb at Track" was initially signed to Wayfer Records from 2017 to 2020 and moved to Genie Records in 2021.
Also, he has been active as a sound engineer and music composer at the commercial production studio "No Sound in Space" since 2018. Khon is passionate about sound designing using Modular Synthesizers and developed it in his work. This has inspired him a lot to create new ideas and apply them in many ways to create 'out of imagination' things. One of the projects reflecting this passion is "Untrymaew" which he is developing in collaboration with Tum Monotone.
Artist/Music Composer
SEADOM 2025: Modular Synth Workshop