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Kansiree Chirawattanaphan

Kansiree Chirawattanaphan

Kansiree Chirawattanaphan is a pianist who graduated with a Bachelor of Music degree from Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music (PGVIM). Along her musical journey, Kansiree had opportunities to participate in various events domestically and internationally. In 2019, Kansiree won the PYO Call for Soloist and performed Felix Mendelssohn’s Piano Concerto No.1 with the PYO Orchestra, under the baton of Maestro Johannes Meissl. Later in the same year, she attended workshops and concerts for the SNU ArtSpace Project 2019 at Seoul University, South Korea. During her senior year in 2022, Kansiree participated in the exchange program at the School of Music, Cardiff University in the spring semester, where she studied piano lessons with Prof.Raymond Clarke. In 2023, she had an opportunity to perform Camille Saint-Saëns’ Carnival of Animals in the concert Centenary Celebration of Her Royal Highness Princess Galyani Vadhana at Palais de la Bourse in Lyon, France. Kansiree is currently a collaborative pianist and seeking to work on multi-disciplinary projects. She also has interests in Japanese philosophies and the art of flower arrangement with the idea of combining art and music.

School of Music,

Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music,



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