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Associate Professor Chan Tze Law

 Associate Professor Chan Tze Law

Singaporean conductor Chan Tze Law is Associate Professor and a founding faculty member of the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, National University of Singapore. Chan lectures in conducting and as Vice Dean oversees Career Orientation and Community Engagement dimensions at the conservatory, including Continuing Education and Training. Chan is widely credited for his founding role of the Conservatory orchestra and New Music Ensemble. 

As a pedagogue, Chan has lectured on conducting at the Peabody Institute, USA, and Royal Academy of Music, UK. He was the founding chief conductor of the Australian International Summer Orchestral Institute and recently conducted at the Australian Youth Orchestra’s National Music Camp. In Singapore, he lectures in Prof Kenneth Paul Tan’s ‘Tune in to Leadership’ at the National University of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Senior Management Programme. Chan has also served on the selection committee of the Oxford Conducting Institute International Conducting Studies Conference. In 2018 he received the Composers and Authors Society of Singapore’s Artistic excellence award in recognition of his contributions to the Singapore music community, and Chan’s performances have also been lauded both by international and Singapore press. 

His Singapore Jubilee performances of Mahler’s 8th symphony with award-winning Orchestra of The Music Makers (OMM) and Sing50 concerts with Metropolitan Festival Orchestra (MFO) and Lang Lang were named “Best concerts of 2015” by Singapore’s Sunday Times. Germany’s Der neue Merker observed that in Chan’s Mahler 8 “listeners felt they have concluded a great journey of time and spirit”. American Record Guide remarked that that in Mahler’s Resurrection symphony he led “with a full understanding of the Mahler idiom”. The West Australian lavished praise on his performance of Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring “Tze Law (Chan) did wonders from the podium. It was a tour de force.” More recently, Chan’s performance of Elgar’s The Music Makers was described by Classical Voice America as ‘breathtaking walls of sound and intimate moments of haunting beauty’. Chan has conducted major orchestras in China and the Asia pacific region collaborating with artistes such as Lee Bisset, Joshua Bloom, Fiona Campbell, Warwick Fyfe, Deborah Humble, Lee Hyon, Caitlin Hulcup, Lang Lang, Ng Pei-Sian, Brian Register, Melvyn Tan, Albert Tiu, Qin Li-Wei, Alwyn Mellor, Ike See, Daniel Sumegi and Igor Yuzefovich. Concerts and CD recordings conducted by Chan have been broadcast on Australia’s ABC Classic FM, UK’s BBC Radio 3 and featured on Singapore Airlines Krisworld In-flight Classical Music selection. 

Chan’s conducting teachers included luminaries Christopher Adey and Norman Del Mar, and he made his Singapore conducting debut with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra in 2001 at the invitation of Lan Shui. In January 2020 at the Esplanade Theatres on the Bay he conducted OMM in Die Walküre, Singapore’s landmark first Wagner Ring cycle opera performance, on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the opera.

Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music,



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