Tech Transitions and Community Traditions: A Continuing Conversation
25 August 2021
11:00 - 12:30 hrs (GMT+7)
Southeast Asia Music Academy Online
Gabriel Lee
Airin Efferin
Andrew Filmer
Kenny Ooi
Sulwyn Lok

The Great Migration to online teaching and learning has taken the SEA Music Academy Online in two directions. First, towards an embrace of the transition to technology, involving not only an exploration of gear and software, but of new pedagogical approaches as well. Second, the most important tradition of all: towards building community in this new virtual playground.
The Academy has engaged renowned pedagogues from across the region and international keynote speakers, including Benjamin Zander. It connects these experts with a new online community of teachers, students and parents who get to know one another through a conversation on making music — continually vital in challenging times (and also in better times beyond).