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Remixing Harmony

24 August 2024
13:45 - 14:30 hrs (GMT+7)

Pink Sky Orcas and Fien Lert




Harmony is hard-earned work. Conflict is the natural state of being. Yet, both states are never solid. They always seem to be ready to shift and change, to slide in and out of either direction. Similarly in music, it is the constant shifts between points of tensions and releases that keeps the music alive.

During January of 2022, Pink Sky Orcas curated and performed the show ‘Bangkok Through Crusty Frames’ (Bangkok Bangkrob) where they discussed the going ons, the re-emerging life after the pandemic, and questioned the still fragility of Bangkok through their limited world view.

In this performance, they are bringing back a few frames of the music of the show. Revisiting, re-harmonizing, re-learning, all while reading into everything a little too much.

And presenting their latest composition ‘Remixing Harmony’

Join by Lert with his composition ‘Revolutionary Dance’ challenging the notion of norms in the society

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