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Discovery Forum 5

Discovery Forum
23 August 2024
16:00 - 17:30 hrs (GMT+7)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Chanyapong Thongsawang 

Asst. Prof. Alberto Firrincieli

Anant Narkkong   

Kansiree Chirawattanaphan

Dr. Bhannavichaya Vadhanasiriphongs

Asst. Prof. Dr Suppabhorn Suwanpakdee and Dr. Pongthep Jitduangprem

Dr. Lin Ka Chun

Jiao Jian


Room: C 200

Moderator: Dr. Apichai Chantanakajornfung, PGVIM

Conflict of Interpretation between Performance Practices on Period Keyboard Instruments and Traditional Playing on a Modern Piano 

Asst. Prof. Dr. Chanyapong Thongsawang 

School of Music, Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, Thailand  

A methodo-logical approach to J. S. Bach two-part Inventions

Asst. Prof. Alberto Firrincieli

School of Music,  Assumption University, Thailand  


Room: C 306

Moderator: Dr. Komsun Dilokkunanant, PGVIM

Beliefs, Conflict, and Harmony: The Observation on the Influence of Folk Music Culture in Thailand's Southern Borders  

Asst. Prof. Dr. Suppabhorn Suwanpakdee and Dr. Pongthep Jitduangprem

School of Music, Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, Thailand  

Wind Bands in Hong Kong: Cultural Diplomacy, Social Harmony, and the Role of Music in Conflict Resolution (Online)

Dr. Lin Ka Chun

Lingnan University, Hong Kong


Room: C 501

Asst. Prof. Dr. Jocelyn Guadalupe, University of the Philippines

Thailand Noisescapes: Reflections from Recent Ethnomusicology Fieldwork  

Anant Narkkong 

Faculty of Music, Silpakorn University, Thailand  

"School of ...": The sound of ocean waves resonating on plastic bottles

Kansiree Chirawattanaphan

Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, Thailand  

Symphony for Home Zoo

Dr. Bhannavichaya Vadhanasiriphongs

Faculty of Music,  BangkokThonburi University, Thailand  

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