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Discovery Forum 1

Discovery Forum
21 August 2024
11:00 - 12:00 hrs (GMT+7)

Thanunya Jaturanont

Thawin Laithong

Amanut Chantarawirote

Kyumin Ko

Panicha Pornprasit

Dr. Smatya Wathawathana  

Dr. Tarin Supprakorn 

Dr. Tawanrat Mewongukote


Room: C 303

Moderator: Asst. Prof. Dr. Dneya B. Udtaisuk, Chulalongkorn University

Enhancing Soft Skills through Music Games

Thanunya Jaturanont

Chulalongkorn University Demonstration Elementary School

From Fear to Fun: Empowering 9th Grade Students with Music Composition through Chrome Music Lab

Thawin Laithong

Chulalongkorn University, Thailand


Room: C 305

Moderator: Dr. Apinporn Chaiwanichsiri, PGVIM

The Transformative Power of Drama and Music in a Waldorf School: A Case Study of Tripat School, Thailand

Amanut Chantarawirote

Independent Scholar

Counterpoise: Balancing the Forces of Silence and Resonance

Kyumin Ko

Seoul National University, South Korea


Room: C 306

Moderator: Dr. Komsun Dilokkunanant, PGVIM

Music Engagement, Meaning in Life, and Subjective Well-being of Music-Making Older Adults: A Mixed Methods Study

Panicha Pornprasit

Faculty of Psychology,  Chulalongkorn University

TST1988 Trio: Observation of the Audience’s Experience and Expectation

Dr. Smatya Wathawathana, Dr. Tarin Supprakorn, Dr. Tawanrat Mewongukote

School of Music, Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music

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