Beyond the Concert Hall
25 August 2022
10.00 - 12.00 hrs (GMT+7)
C 500
Dr. Suppabhorn Suwanpakdee, Moderator

Deceptive Virtuosity: Unravel Message Behind the Virtuosic Works
Pingka Sirisujinte
Music and Love
Ramasoon Sitalayan
The Major Challenges in Organizing Performing Arts Events in Thailand
Tawanrat Meewongukote
Music Makes Changes
Anothai Nitibhon, et, al.
Deceptive Virtuosity: Unraveling the Messages Behind Virtuosic Works
Pingka Sirisujinte
Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music
Deceptive Virtuosity is a guide for listening to classical music. What things can one listen for in pieces? What do they mean? And how can we understand them? Challenging the idea that classical music is difficult to listen to, the goal of this project was to create a guided listening approach using curated repertoire as case studies. The intention was to reveal the magic of the music together with the genius ideas of the greatest and most well-known composers in the world of classical music, and to combine historical facts and anecdotes in an engaging narrative.
Deceptive Virtuosity is a book meant to accompany a performance. The book is written as a conversation between a piano student and his professor. The student has many questions while learning and practicing his pieces and turns to his teacher in hopes of receiving answers. As the conversation unfolds, new ideas and new approaches to the music start to develop, showing a continuous thread of innovations from the past and throughout the ages.
Music and Love
Ramasoon Sitalayan
Chulalongkorn University
The research project “Music and love” is a part of “Creative Musical Art for White Society,” which is a large framework consisting of five individual projects. Each project represents different social issues and uses different musical instruments and media to convey a message. Music and Love is a collection of 10 pieces for piano representing different interpretations of love. These include love of a family, love between individual persons, love of nature, and love of religion and national heritage. The titles of the 10 pieces are as follows: Home, Jasmine, Sibling, Soulmate, Oceans, Spirit of the Forest, Blue Sky Rag, Night Falls, Pagoda, and Blue Moon.
The researcher composed 10 pieces for piano solo and invited 4 distinguished Thai pianists to perform them. These pianists are Pornphan Banternghansa, Tarin Supprakorn, Akkra Yuenyonghattaporn, and Mintra Rungruengsorakarn. The project was successfully presented as audio recordings, music videos, and an online conference on different social media platforms.
The Major Challenges in Organizing Performing Arts Events in Thailand
Tawanrat Meewongukote
Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music
Performing Arts organizations and communities in Thailand have been facing challenges for a long time. The enormous scale of the pandemic and its impact are causing a lot of difficulties in the performing arts industry.
Lack of audiences, poor financial support, and a rapidly changing technological environment often problematize the management strategy. Without solving these core problems, organizing performance events will continue to be a struggle and could become even worse as technology improves.
Most performing arts organizations in Thailand are operated by private companies without support from the government, especially in terms of finances. It would be advantageous for the music and arts community to look to alternative approaches to organizational management to more effectively manage internal complexities as well as the challenges and changes that manifest externally.
NOW, whatever roles you have, how will you keep the performing arts ALIVE?
Music Makes Changes
Anothai Nitibhon
Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, Thailand.
The audience's role in music was not always as one-dimensional as we currently believe. The audience's involvement in different musical traditions can vary: vocal response, bodily engagement such as dance, or even singing echo can illustrate how music engages us in the pleasure of the sound-making world.
'Music Makes Changes' is one of the Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music's projects that aims to investigate new ways to engage audiences with music. With previous projects such as "Children's Opera," in which children from the community participated in the composition process, or "PGVIM Singers," in which participants of various age groups collaborated in the creation of short theatrical pieces. MMC's goal is to inspire a grup of participating audiences to experiment with music as a tool for engaging with the world around them, both as music lovers and as music makers.